Every person has moments when chronic fatigue sets in, we just start to “burn out” at work, which just recently seemed to be loved. Everything is annoying and even there is a desire to change jobs. But don't jump to conclusions. First, try to release emotional stress by doing a little work on yourself.

Expansion of the field of activity
Does the employer send you to courses, seminars, trainings? Or offers to temporarily change the type of activity? Many, out of laziness or fear, try to refuse. But in vain. Changing the work environment, even for a short time, creates new experiences and helps prevent “professional burnout”. The main thing is to treat such changes and experiments with a positive attitude.
A fresh look at colleagues
Become the initiator of new traditions in the team. For example, going to the cinema together or theatrical premieres. You can arrange "seasonal meetings": winter - skiing, spring - outing to the barbecue, summer - a day of health on the shore of the reservoir, autumn - picking mushrooms. But you never know what you can think of - the main thing is there would be a desire. Such informal meetings, firstly, unite the team, and secondly, they bring variety to working relationships.
Create a shutdown ritual
At work, personal items that remind you of pleasant moments will help you to escape from the routine, it can be a gift from a loved one or a "happy decoration". You can also take your favorite coffee cup to work. All this will return you to a state where you felt psychological comfort and joy.
After work, various exercises will do. For example, from yoga, breathing or regular gymnastics. Even walking home, reading books or immersing yourself in your favorite music will help. Cherished rituals help to sort of establish the boundary between work and the rest of life.
We restore strength
For those who prefer to relax in peace and quiet, a visit to the library reading room or a walk along the quiet alleys of the forest park are ideal. It's great if there is a pond nearby, contemplation of the water surface helps to relax.
For those who love dynamics, you should often be in the thick of things, after work or on weekends, visit places where you can replenish energy: a sports field, a zoo or a concert hall.