The presence of the right of ownership of an apartment serves as an iron basis for registration at the place of residence, or, in the old way, registration in it. However, a contract for the purchase and sale of housing is not enough, you must first register your right to it with the territorial administration of Rosreest. And already with him, contact the housing office or directly to the FMS.

It is necessary
- - certificate of state registration of ownership of the apartment;
- - passport;
- - completed application for registration at the place of residence;
- - departure sheet (optional).
Step 1
For state registration of ownership of housing, you must submit to the territorial body of Rosreestr an application for this action (the form can be downloaded on the Rosreestr website or received directly at the reception), a copy of the passport and two copies of the purchase and sale agreement or other document on the basis of which housing passed to you.
You will also have to pay a state fee. Its size and details for the transfer can be clarified in the Rosreestr authority, and the payment can be made at the Sberbank branch.
Step 2
With a ready-made certificate and other documents, you must contact the passport office of the housing office serving the area where your new apartment is located. Or to the territorial subdivision of the FMS, if there is no passport office in the housing office.
You will need your passport, a departure sheet, if available, and a completed application for registration at the place of residence.
The application form can be obtained at the passport office and filled out on the spot or downloaded on the Internet, for example, in the section of the portal "" dedicated to registration at the place of residence, fill out on a computer, print and sign. You can also fill out the application on the portal of public services and send it over the Internet.
Step 3
If you haven't checked out of your previous place of residence, that's okay. In this case, fill out a tear-off coupon to the registration application, and all questions will be resolved at the place of contact.
A passport with a registration mark should be issued to you three days after the documents were received.