The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for several ways to dissolve a marriage. For persons who do not have common minor children, by mutual consent, divorce is provided for in the civil registry offices. This procedure is simplified and, of course, will require less time and effort than divorce in court.

Step 1
Determine the civil registry office where you plan to apply - to the registry office at the place of registration (registration) of one of the spouses or where you registered the marriage.
Step 2
Pick up the following documents: the passport of both spouses or another identity document, a marriage certificate, as well as a receipt for payment of the state fee, the details of which you can find out from the registry office.
Step 3
Work with your potential ex-spouse to go to the vital statistics office and apply for divorce. In the application, confirm your mutual consent to divorce and the absence of joint minor children. In addition, indicate the following information: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship, place of residence of each of the spouses; details of the marriage act record; surnames that each of the spouses chooses upon divorce; details of the documents proving the identity of the spouses. Do not forget that this document is signed by both spouses with the obligatory indication of the date of preparation. The legislation allows one of the spouses to file an application if the other spouse is recognized by the court as missing, recognized by the court as incompetent, convicted of committing a crime to imprisonment for more than three years.
Step 4
You will have one month to reconcile with your spouse. After the specified period, contact the registry office again for state registration of divorce and obtaining the relevant documents. Then boldly enter into a bachelor life.