People change their place of residence, move. In this case, very often it is necessary to draw up a contract for the lease of residential premises. At the same time, residents of other regions are sometimes not hired. That is, it is necessary to have registration at the place of stay (earlier this concept was called "temporary registration").

Step 1
To obtain registration at the place of stay in a privatized apartment, you must have a written or verbal consent from the owner of the apartment. At the same time, the presence of a lease agreement is not required. If you live in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, it is a confirmation of your consent to your registration. Be sure to pay attention to how many meters of living space are for each registered in the apartment. For example, for Moscow this norm is 10 square meters. Thus, 5 people can be registered in an apartment with a total living area of 57 square meters. Each region of Russia and the municipality has its own requirements. Sometimes the city allows more people to register in the apartment.
Step 2
You need to contact the department of the Federal Migration Service and write an application, a sample of which will be provided there. In the prepared form, enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the apartment and your passport data. In return, you will receive a certificate of registration. If desired, a special stamp can also be placed on the corresponding pages in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
You can also register at the place of stay using the Internet on the "Public Services" portal ( 1. Follow the link "Citizenship, registration, visas"
2. Next, go to the "Registration at the place of residence / stay" tab ( …). 3. If you are the tenant of this apartment, then you should click on the link "Registration at the place of stay" ( …). 4. On the right in the vertical menu, click the "Submit Online Application" button ( …). You must be registered on the portal, as you will need to enter the pension insurance card number (SNILS) and password. To register, you need to go through a rather complicated procedure of confirming your mobile phone number and e-mail address, after which a registered letter with instructions for activating your personal account will be sent to your address. After that, you can get a registration certificate or put a stamp on a special document. 6. A letter will be sent to the owner of the apartment with information that citizen N. is registered on his living space
Step 4
According to Article 80 of the Housing Code, registration at the place of stay can be issued for up to 6 months. After that, the registration procedure will have to be repeated.