You can register temporarily at the place of stay without being deregistered at the main place of residence. If it becomes necessary to verify the authenticity of the temporary registration, this can be done by personally contacting the FMS, the passport office of the housing department, or by sending a written request to the indicated organizations.

It is necessary
- - application to the FUMS;
- - a written request to the FUMS.
Step 1
Temporary registration is carried out on the basis of an application from a citizen who needs to register it and the written consent of all homeowners. Currently, it is much easier to issue a temporary registration by sending an application to the FMS and a copy of the notarial permission of homeowners, while it is not at all necessary to apply to the migration service in person.
Step 2
Registration starts and ends on the dates indicated in the application. At the same time, the homeowner has the right to apply to the FMS at any time and terminate the temporary registration ahead of schedule. For early cancellation of temporary registration, the personal presence of a registered person is not required.
Step 3
To find out the authenticity of the temporary registration, contact the FMS with a statement. Indicate the reasons that made you check for a temporary residence permit.
Step 4
The Office of the Federal Migration Service issues registration information completely free of charge, but in order to get it, you need to provide a very good reason. For example, a fairly good reason to check all the information may be the case if an employee from another city or region who has only a temporary registration is employed at your company. Your right to know everything about the employee, so you can request any information, including the authenticity of the temporary registration.
Step 5
Information will be given to you in 1-3 days. The timing depends on the region in which you receive this information.
Step 6
If you do not have time to personally contact the Office of the Federal Migration Service, make a written request. In the request, you will also need to indicate the reason why you required the information, all information about yourself, the address and phone number for feedback.
Step 7
With a personal contact, you will receive all the information much faster. When requested in writing, the time frame can vary from two weeks to two months.