In 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Resolution “On the Procedure for Implementing Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation”. After the adoption of this document, it became possible to notify the arrival of a foreign citizen by sending a letter with appropriate attachments by mail. This must be done no later than three working days from the date of arrival.

It is necessary
- - identity documents,
- - migration card,
- - the envelope,
- - access to the Internet.
Step 1
Please be aware that not all post offices do this. Therefore, first call the Main Post Office and find out the address of the nearest post office from which you can send a notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen to the Migration Service Office. Make photocopies of the following documents:
- passports - your foreign guest and yours. Please note that a copy of the foreigner's passport must contain a page with a visa.
- migration certificate.
As a rule, photocopying services are also provided at post offices.
Step 2
The postal worker, upon your request, will provide you with the "Notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay" forms. You will need to complete two copies. They are filled in only in Russian, with a pen with black or dark blue ink and only in capital letters. It is necessary to fill in the notification forms very carefully, trying not to make blots and mistakes. If you have access to the Internet, then you can print notification forms on the websites of the Federal Migration Service or the Russian Post and issue them without leaving your home in a more relaxed atmosphere. It may be difficult to fill in some of the items. Then you can enter the data later by consulting the post office worker.
Step 3
Give the completed notice to the postal worker along with the originals and photocopies of the documents. He will verify all the data and check the correctness of filling in the notification. He must also postage stamps on the tear-off coupon of the arrival notification and on the migration card. The notification is sent to the FMS by a valuable letter with a description of the attachment. The cost of the service for receiving the notification by the postal operator is 118 rubles. According to the current postage rates, the postage itself and the insurance fee are paid separately. The total cost of sending a notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen is just over two hundred rubles.