In the life of any person, there are times when it is difficult to define your life vocation. Even after getting a job, you may feel dissatisfied and doubt the chosen path. If this is your situation, here are some helpful tips to help you figure it out.

First, you need to take action. The following nine steps will help you find direction in life when you find it difficult to figure out on your own.
You already have skills and abilities that can help someone. Think of a way you can help the other person do something. It can be anything: teaching English, basic computer skills such as Word or Excel, sending e-mail. There are people who need help to learn how to type letters on the keyboard, update the news feed on social networks and do other basic tasks. Taking the time to help others can help you understand what you enjoy doing and what inspires you.
Perhaps you are interested in a specific topic, career, or a specific type of business? Blogging helps you get to know the topic better. A blog is a great tool for exploring, teaching, researching, and communicating. Blogging is easy to start, and it allows you to follow the path of your interest. If you are interested in cooking, write some recipes and share them with your friends and acquaintances. Blogging is a lot cheaper than running a restaurant. If you love writing, write a blog to test how your skill resonates with readers. If your blog is about a career, write about topics that are important in your field.
Many people underestimate the role of books, but they are great teachers, counselors, and guides. The people who wrote them left behind invaluable treasures of wisdom, instruction and knowledge. The most valuable of the books contain thousands of practical tips. Not ready to buy books from a store? Take one of them from the shelf at home, write down the most important things in a notebook and apply in life.
Pay attention to what inspires you - At work and at home, you only do something because you enjoy it. What makes you happy, amused and gives you pleasure? It is impossible to turn work into sheer pleasure, but it is quite possible to fill the working day with pleasant moments. Think about what you like and dislike doing at work, and spend more time on what you love.
Do something outside the home. This activity doesn't have to be about your career and life goals. See or do something new: visit a museum, listen to a lecture, go to a bookstore, do something you've never done before. Find free classes. Get inspired.
If you have never left the city, find a reason to go somewhere: visit relatives in another settlement, city or country where you have never been, but dreamed of visiting. In a new environment, you can meet a soul mate, find a purpose in life, or get an interesting job offer. In any case, you will see something new and look at your life from a different perspective.
Pets are great companions, but they are not conducive to personal growth. If you are interested in a new area of life, find someone to talk to about it. Ask this person to give an opinion, give advice and outline their vision of the issue. When asked correctly, people will happily share with you how they achieved their goals.
If you need to find a new direction in life, meet people who are already doing what interests you. Attend the meeting. In any field of activity, people confer and discuss issues related to changes in this environment. Writers, freelancers, builders, restaurant owners - they all hold meetings like this.
While gaining experience, you will not make a lot of money. But it's worth it. You will be able to test opportunities in a new line of business, meet people, get good references, and improve your resume.
These can be Sunday courses or master classes that do not require large expenditures. Use this time to test your interests in new areas of expertise. There are many courses that can be taken online.
Start small, adding the next step every day. Try new things to find out how interesting you are. A little experimentation and learning new material will create the foundation so that you can find direction and means on the way to your goal.