In a person, as in any other living creature, the desire to stand out is inherent in nature itself. Therefore, each of us tries to realize this desire in various ways, for example, dressing extravagantly, doing bright makeup, etc. What do you need to do to become more visible at work?

Step 1
First, decide for what purpose you want to attract the attention of colleagues and superiors to your person. And only then choose the appropriate methods and means. So, for example, you can stand out with your hair, clothes (drastically changing the style), etc. But to move up the career ladder, you need something more weighty than appearance.
Step 2
Become a true professional in your field of activity. To do this, constantly engage in self-education, attend the necessary trainings and courses. Learn to express thoughts clearly, speak beautifully, that is, develop your public speaking skills, since the ability to attract the attention of the audience is highly valued and respected.
Step 3
If you come to work in a new place, in a different team, first take a close look: is there a dress code in the organization, how other employees behave, what are their strengths and weaknesses professionally. Then just start to act, do not hesitate to take part in collective discussions. But you should not immediately go into conflict, proving your point of view at the first problem situation. Arguments and quarrels are not the best way to distinguish yourself among colleagues.
Step 4
On the other hand, being overly modest can also hinder your career advancement. Improve your self-esteem, learn to respect yourself as a professional. Don't be afraid to talk about what you know and can do. Show your abilities. Show reasonable initiative, creative approach to business, eccentricity of thinking, etc. Trust me - your enthusiasm will set you apart from other employees. Your passion and dedication to your work will not go unnoticed.