A cheerful and noisy company always attracts the attention of others, and members of such companies can be proud of the fact that they are included in the circle of people where they can communicate, meet, show themselves, that is, they are not left alone. The most energetic, perky and resourceful people are always in the center of such companies. Most of the group members (at least secretly) want to get into the field of view of the whole group, to be noticed and become the leader of their circle.

Step 1
How to get to the center of the company? It is necessary to be noticed, seen, and, as the modern youth say, to check it out. "They meet by their clothes …" - says an old wise saying, therefore, start with your image. Just do not go too far - shocking - will surely attract the attention of everyone, but the result will be ambiguous. Take a closer look at the style of all members of the company, draw a conclusion about tastes, compare with your capabilities. And go to the store, to the stylists, they will help you choose the fashionable and what suits your natural data.
Step 2
Only the person who knows how to speak beautifully and a lot, and to respond wittily to caustic remarks can get into the center of attention. Then, if you don't know how to speak, take a course in rhetoric, read more, communicate. Develop your speech, put your voice, learn to control intonation.
Step 3
Each group of people is formed according to their interests, therefore, in order to become the leader of your company, you need to be aware of all events, news and processes related to the topic that interests all people who have entered this company. It is clear that if you are the first to report the news all the time, you will be known as a "magpie" or acquire another funny nickname. Just confidently accumulate information, firmly know your position, do not become a “radio” or a “speaker”.
Step 4
Remember that you can also get to the center of the company by being a laughing stock, a “punching bag”. If you do not want such fame, keep fit, have fortitude, strength of character. Do not let yourself laugh at yourself, make fun of yourself, know how to resist the harassing person. The leader of the group is a cheerful, self-confident, at least, nice, strong, intelligent, kind, courageous person who does not protrude on purpose, but is simply interesting to people, because he is a good person.