In a large company, career opportunities are almost endless. Prestige, reputation, business connections, professional growth, experience - all this you get in a serious corporation. But at the same time, each employee is a kind of "cog" that can be easily noticed by another employee. In order not to lose your job and be in good standing with the management, to gain confidence in the future, you should attract attention and confidently move up the career ladder.

- - stylish wardrobe;
- - office accessories.
Step 1
Assess the company environment. You should not go ahead and immediately declare yourself. Try to look closely at your colleagues, understand who makes the most important decisions, promotes new ideas, and is the unofficial leader in the team. Depending on this, you can decide what role you will play yourself.
Step 2
Personalize your office workspace. Put some stylish accessories on your desk, bring a beautiful houseplant, buy an unusual type of coffee or tea that you will treat your colleagues with. Introduce your own traditions, such as bringing homemade cakes on Fridays, or special birthday wishes for employees.
Step 3
Build relationships with your superiors. In this case, we are not talking about familiarity and familiarity at all. You should be seen as a strong, reliable employee who can be trusted with serious work. Always defend your point of view, speak up at general meetings, do not let yourself be manipulated. But at the same time, demonstrate loyalty to the company, readiness to perform new tasks.
Step 4
Be proactive when it comes to new projects. This method is optimal for getting a good reputation. In this case, you must adequately assess your strength and be ready for difficult work. Do not tackle large-scale projects right away, start with responsible, but small ones. Make a list of arguments that will help you convince management of your competence.
Step 5
Take care of your appearance. Stick to the framework of a business dress code, avoid vulgar elements, unacceptable skirt lengths or revealing things. But at the same time, try not to look dry and boring. Create stylish sets, pick interesting accessories for them.