Every manufacturer dreams of attracting the attention of buyers to their products. The best way to do this is through advertising. A good ad needs to be engaging, memorable, and persuasive.

Choosing an advertising distribution channel
Choosing an ad distribution channel is the first big step in getting attention. There are several ways to place advertisements: in the press, in magazines, on radio, on television, on the Internet, on city streets and in public transport. Each of these species has its own target audience, and also affects the human brain in different ways. When choosing the type of advertising, you need to take into account its cost: there are things that, due to their price, advertise is unprofitable and does not make sense.
To draw attention to your product or service, you must understand which of the channels for obtaining information is used by your target audience. You can use several channels at once, but you need to correctly assess the effectiveness of their use. After all, if you choose one channel, but do it right, the efficiency can increase significantly.
Efficiency is the ratio of the profit received from the sale of a product or service to the cost of producing and broadcasting this advertisement.
Psychological perception of advertising
Television advertising is considered the most effective, since it combines the effects on auditory and visual receptors, creating a complete picture. Of course, such advertising largely depends on the plot: if it is unattractive and imposes images, the presented product is likely to be disgusting, and there will be little demand for it. Advertising should bring positive emotions and appeal to consumers.
Radio advertising allows the listener to independently finish the proposed image. By the way, obsessive songs and rhymes are well remembered by listeners, even if they are busy in parallel with listening to something else. But they can often annoy them by constantly spinning in their heads.
Much attention should be paid to visual advertising. It has its own secrets and advantages. Visual images are perfectly assimilated and remembered if they are created correctly.
The use of colors plays a big role. They are divided into stimulating (red, orange, yellow), calming (purple, blue, blue-green), pastel (pink, purple), static (balancing: purple, green) and deaf, extinguishing irritation and allowing you to focus.
An ad with a strong visual image outperforms an ad with text only by about 41%. It is better if the image shows people, animals, or fictional characters using the advertised product. The product should be centered on the image. Advertising will be more remembered if the objects, as it were, convey movement. But the most important thing is that with all this, the picture reflects the main idea of the advertisement and is understandable.
If the product you're going to advertise is new, you might intrigue everyone. This works especially well with new places in the city. By means of outdoor advertising, a logo or part of it is placed, and a signature is added, for example, "in October it will come to you..". Such information is never ignored. The "Zeigarnik effect" or "unfinished action effect" is in effect. The information is incomplete, and the person wants to know what will happen next.