The rest of a working person in Russia is regulated by the production calendar. Usually, Russians rest every Saturday and Sunday with a five-day work week and only on Sundays with a six-day work week. In addition, there are also holidays, which sometimes can coincide with weekends and give employees a real vacation.

Weekend of the first half of 2019
At the beginning of January, traditionally, all Russians have a rest for 8 days in a row (8 days inclusive). In order not to postpone January 5 and 6 to 9 and 10 working days of the same month, they were postponed to spring (January 5 to May 2, and 6 to May 3). In addition to the long New Year holidays, there are also Saturdays and Sundays in January. It turns out that January is the shortest working month in 2019.
There are 7 days of rest in the short month of February. The 22nd day of this month becomes shortened by an hour, since it is followed by a single holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Since it falls on Saturday, it should have been rescheduled for Monday, February 25th. But they did it a little differently: they postponed it to May 10.
There is nothing wrong with that, because literally in 9 working days there will be a long weekend: March 8, 9 and 10 (of which 8 is International Women's Day, and 9 and 10 are Saturday and Sunday). In addition, there are 4 more weekends in March.
April does not make us happy with holidays, so we will have to rest only on Saturdays and Sundays. But next month, you can catch up and relax to the fullest, opening the spring-summer summer cottage season.
The weekend will be from 1 to 5 (May 1 - Spring and Labor Day), 8 - a shortened working day, and then again the weekend from 9 to 12 (9th - Victory Day). There are 2 more weekends in May. Thus, this year May is inferior to January in terms of the number of days off by just a day.
June will no longer pamper us with a large number of holidays. There will be only one - Day of Russia, June 12. At the same time, the working hours on June 11 will be one hour shorter than usual. But in June there are 10 more days of rest (Saturdays and Sundays).
Weekend of the second half of the year
In the third quarter, there are no holidays at all, there are only weekends. We rest in July: 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28. In August, we rest on the 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th, 31st. In September, weekends will be on the 1st, 7th and 8th, 14th and 15th, 21st and 22nd, 28th and 29th.
The fourth quarter will delight us with only one holiday in November - National Unity Day, 4th. In October we will rest only on Saturday and Sunday: 5th and 6th, 12th and 13th, 19th and 20th, 26th and 27th. In addition to November 4, we will rest on 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24 and 30. In December there will be one day, shortened by an hour - this is December 31, a short respite on the eve of the New Year and before preparations for festive feast. In December, you can also rest on Saturday and Sunday: 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29.
In total, in 2019, with a five-day working week, we rest 118 days, of which 14 we celebrate. In addition to the days of rest according to the production calendar, each employee is provided with annual leave.
Tips & Tricks
When planning his vacation, the employee should be guided by the production calendar. Choose a more convenient period depending on the goals: to make the rest longer, or vice versa, distribute all days throughout the year evenly. For example, January, March and May are suitable for a longer stay. In the application, it is better to indicate the start date of the vacation following the last holiday: January 9, March 11 and May 13. You can specify the start date before the holidays, for their number the vacation will last, but this option is suitable only for those who work 40 hours a week.
If you want to evenly distribute the rest throughout the year, it is better to take 2 weeks, for example, in July and two in October. Note that the choice of vacation time is not possible in all organizations. But if the organization provides such a right, then it is better to use it. Some categories of employees, according to the law, have the right to choose the time of vacation: for example, women before maternity leave and / or after leaving parental leave, adoptive parents of children under three months of age studying by correspondence, minors, part-time workers, war invalids and others categories of workers. Each employee should clarify their status before planning their vacation.