New Year is a holiday loved by all Russians. New Year's Eve weekend is the biggest of all, and you always want it to last as long as possible. How will we rest in December 2019?

Holidays in December 2019
In 2019, December 31 falls on Tuesday, therefore, no matter how much you want, all Russian workers will have to work 2 more days of a new working week before the New Year holidays - December 30 and 31.
December 31 is traditionally considered a pre-holiday day, so it will be shortened by exactly one hour. Thus, in December 2019, Russians will not have additional days off, only one single shortened working day on December 31.
But, despite this, approximately 3-4 weeks before the main holiday of the country, New Year's performances in theaters will already begin in Russia, ice parks will open, and each city will already be decorated for the New Year.

In advance, preferably in November, you need to take care of purchasing tickets for New Year's fairy tales for children and adults, for New Year's films that are shown annually in all cinemas, make a holiday plan for the weekend, and most importantly - buy gifts for family and friends. Everyone knows that the closer the holiday, the more excitement around large shopping centers and shops, and the less likely it is to find something worthwhile and original.
New Year's Eve entertainment
Despite the fact that in 2019 the Russians will not have additional days off, everyone can start creating a festive mood long before the New Year. One of the most beloved entertainments in Russia is downhill skiing, visiting ice towns, which are sure to be installed in every city in Russia. For example, no less than ten ice parks are traditionally erected in Moscow, which allow everyone, at least for a short time, to find themselves in a fairy tale.

From mid-December, Christmas markets open in major shopping malls, as well as in the main squares of various cities. The main fair of the country is located on Red Square, where various New Year's products are displayed for sale in fabulous houses: household utensils, dolls, souvenirs, sweet gifts. Fairs are also an integral part of the New Year's mood.
In cinemas, kind and funny New Year's films must be shown, and if you do not want to go to the slides and fairs at all, then attending the New Year's movie show will give you strength and energy before the New Year holidays.
Already from the beginning of December, the main parks of the capital and other Russian cities, brightly decorated for the holiday, also open their gates. You can walk in the park, visit various exhibitions, see theatrical performances. This vacation is suitable for everyone and is completely free. The main thing is to take with you a good mood and a thermos with hot tea.