What Are The 5 Reasons For The Lack Of Money For Beginner Copywriters

What Are The 5 Reasons For The Lack Of Money For Beginner Copywriters
What Are The 5 Reasons For The Lack Of Money For Beginner Copywriters

Writing a text is a creative process. However, it is not enough just to correctly express your thoughts, you need to learn from experienced webmasters and be aware of what is currently relevant in the world. Of course, you can have a good income doing just copywriting, but in practice it turns out very differently. The author writes texts from morning till night, and receives such income, which is hardly enough for food and utility bills.

What are the 5 reasons for the lack of money for beginner copywriters
What are the 5 reasons for the lack of money for beginner copywriters

Cheap orders

On copywriting exchanges, you can often see orders worth 5-10 rubles. Moreover, the requirements for them are quite high. The copywriter needs to enter the keys, check the articles for uniqueness for several services. You shouldn't take on such work, even in order to gain a rating. If you are confident in yourself, register on closed copywriting exchanges. Of course, here you will need to take a test, but you will get access to orders with good pay.

Take by quantity

Many aspiring authors try to write as much as possible. Some people type 50 thousand characters a day. However, such texts are boring and monotonous. You shouldn't "churn out" monotonous articles, but at first such work will be profitable, but soon you will get tired and will not be able to write texts. Instead, start creating good, informative articles. Get a decent payment for them. Over time, you will notice that you have begun to earn more, and the desire to write has not disappeared anywhere.


This concept means artificially lowering prices in order to bypass competition. Dumping has been used on the market for a long time, now it has come to copywriting. Of course, this is beneficial for customers. They are always more willing to order work from an author who writes cheaply and with high quality. Therefore, the performers began to lower their prices in order to attract as many customers as possible. As a result, the average price per article began to decline, and the copywriters themselves, as a result, are left without money.

Do not be afraid of competition, remember, good articles should be paid decently, so ask for decent wages for your work.

No regular customer

A copywriter benefits from constant cooperation with one (or several) customers. Thus, you do not need to constantly spend time looking for new orders, take on any tasks so as not to be left without work. Of course, for this you need experience, but you will regularly receive new orders and decent payment.

Some clients stop writing as soon as they get their work. Feel free to suggest your services, ask if the customer has more tasks for you. If you just took the text into work, clarify all the questions on the TK and thank you for your pleasant cooperation.

Expensive orders as taboo

Many copywriters are afraid of expensive orders. In fact, there is one paradox here - the lower the order value, the higher the requirements. The fact is that in expensive works there is no clear statement of work, since the customers rely on the professionalism of the author.
