Advertising is the very first means of promoting a product or service. The maximum effect is given by videos posted on television and radio. But airtime is very expensive. Therefore, if there is a task to popularize a product and service, but at the same time to save money, you need to choose other types of advertising and advertising platforms.

Product placement is a cheap way to advertise in the media
Product placement (from English product placement which translates as "product placement"), despite the foreign name, is not a new invention at all. Back in the Soviet Union, magazines and newspapers published interviews with the directors of factories and factories, who, simultaneously with reports on the successes of the last five-year plan, advertised their goods. And on television there were whole programs devoted to the service sector. These documentaries gave rise to modern advertising campaigns - product placement.
Product placement is quite effective if the advertising campaign is carried out in major media outlets. Especially often you can find this type of product promotion in various television shows. Builders are renovating an apartment using materials of a certain brand, not forgetting to constantly remind the audience about this, famous hairdressers style the hair of the heroine of the transfer only with the means of a certain brand, etc. Very often, product manufacturers don't even have to pay for product placement. They simply provide their products for the entire broadcast cycle and provide the participants with prizes. And even if the show is very popular and advertising time is expensive, product placement is much cheaper than commercials.
In addition to TV programs, you can include product placement in magazines and newspapers, as well as on the radio in an advertising campaign. This can be an interview with a company representative with a mention of services and goods, contests with the presentation of prizes from the company, participation in events held by the media (banners at concerts, logos on invitation cards, etc.). In the case of such cooperation, most often you have to pay only a part of the costs for the production of pos-materials and provide prizes.
Presence on numerous advertising platforms through product placement is no worse than direct advertising - videos and modules. And you can save on this very well.
Promotions are an inexpensive and effective form of marketing measures
One of the most effective and at the same time inexpensive types of advertising is promotions. Both goods and services can be advertised in this way. The costs in this case will be only for the payment of the work of the promoters and the printing of pos-materials. Large shopping centers and hypermarkets often provide a place for work free of charge. Since it is profitable for them to attract visitors with the help of various promotions. In the warm season, it is effective and promo on the streets. In this case, you need to choose places where people gather - metro exits, ground transport stops, squares in front of large shopping centers and markets. It is best to run promotions on weekends, when people are in no hurry to get to work and they have time to listen to the information provided by the promoter.
The combination of several types of advertising will help to quickly convey information about a product or service to the target audience. At the same time, using product placement and promotions, you can significantly save the company's budget.