How To Apply For Patronage

How To Apply For Patronage
How To Apply For Patronage

Table of contents:


According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, patronage means providing support to citizens who have reached the age of majority in performing those actions and duties that they themselves cannot perform due to their physical condition.

How to apply for patronage
How to apply for patronage


Step 1

To establish patronage, there are a number of strict conditions: the reason for establishing patronage should be the state of health of a citizen, which does not allow him to independently and fully exercise his rights and obligations (the reasons may be serious illness, disability, old age, etc.); the citizen over whom patronage is established must be fully intellectually capable, that is, be able to adequately assess their actions, make decisions taking into account the consequences of their adoption.

Step 2

Obtain the consent of the citizen over whom patronage is established; for this, the citizen must apply with a written application to the social protection department at the place of residence. Provide the voluntary consent of the assistant in the establishment of patronage, the assistant must be physically healthy and fully functional; there must be a relationship of trust between the citizen over whom patronage is established and the assistant.

Step 3

Do not forget to take the consent of the social protection department at the place of residence on the establishment of patronage, as well as conclude an agreement between the citizen over whom patronage is established and the assistant (the type of contract can be anything: assignment, trust management, etc., both urgent and indefinite)).

Step 4

Subject to these conditions, an assistant is appointed to the citizen by a resolution of the local administration. This resolution and the concluded contract are the basis for the assistant to carry out actions and transactions aimed at satisfying the everyday needs of the patronized citizen at the expense of the patronized citizen.

Step 5

Patronage can be free of charge, or the services of an assistant can be paid for at the expense of the patronized citizen. These aspects are detailed in the patronage agreement.

Step 6

To obtain a resolution on the establishment of patronage, you will need to provide the following list of documents: a citizen in need of patronage provides: a written application for the appointment of an assistant, a medical opinion on the need for patronage, a passport, a certificate from the place of residence, documents on property rights, if any, pension certificate and marriage registration certificate, if any; a potential assistant provides a written application for the establishment of patronage, a passport, a certificate of residence, a medical certificate, a certificate of income, a description from the place of work and a written consent of family members who have reached the age of majority, with the establishment of patronage.

Step 7

The presence of a citizen in need of patronage, children or other close relatives who are required by law to take care of him, is not a reason for refusing to establish patronage. Patronage can be terminated for a number of objective reasons, such as the expiration of the term of the contract, placement of the patronized person in a medical institution, the decision of the local department of social protection of the population, etc.
