Without registration of Russian citizenship, a child can be up to 14 years old, then it must be issued without fail. If a child is supposed to travel with his parents under the age of fourteen on vacation abroad or receive maternity capital by his mother, then an urgent need also arises in obtaining citizenship. That is, sooner or later, you will still have to apply for a child's citizenship. It makes sense for parents to do this as early as possible and set aside some free time for this procedure.

It is necessary
- - civil passports of both parents
- - child's birth certificate
Step 1
Earlier, in order to assign Russian citizenship to their child, parents prepared an insert leaflet, which, if necessary, was attached to the baby's birth certificate. Now the stamp on the conferment of citizenship to the child is put directly into the certificate itself on the back. The procedure for obtaining citizenship has been greatly simplified today.
Step 2
If a child was born after 2002-01-07, a simplified option for collecting documents applies when obtaining his citizenship. Parents should contact the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration of one of them. You need to have both passports of Russian citizens with you, a birth certificate of the child. On the same day, after you write an application in the appropriate form, the FMS employee will put a seal on the back of the child's birth certificate, which will indicate the date of granting him Russian citizenship.
Step 3
If the child was born before 2002-01-07, the registration of his citizenship will also be simple, but to the above documents you will need to bring certificates of registration of the child's father and mother at the time of their residence on 1992-06-02.
Step 4
When the citizenship of the child was not registered at his birth until 1992-06-02, the process of considering the documents submitted to the migration service can be significantly delayed. You will also need an additional certificate from the place of registration of the child at the time of 1992-06-02.
Step 5
There are situations when only one parent of a child is a citizen of the Russian Federation. In this case, this parent submits a package of necessary documents to the state authorities for obtaining the citizenship of his child. This refers to his civil passport, birth certificate of the child. In addition, documents of the second parent are submitted - a document proving the identity and the legality of location in Russia, a foreign passport with translation, notarized and its full photocopy. In this case, the seal on the child's citizenship is placed on the day the parent applies to the FMS department.