A person born in the Russian Federation automatically receives citizenship. For all the rest, in order to obtain it, it is necessary to submit a number of documents to the federal migration service.

Step 1
You can obtain Russian citizenship in a general or simplified manner. You can use the general procedure if you are a foreign citizen or stateless person who has been living in Russia for five years. In doing so, you must be prepared to comply with Russian law, have a legal livelihood, and be fluent in Russian. In addition, Russian citizenship can be granted to you if you renounced citizenship of another state. All documents submitted in a general manner are considered within 12 months.
Step 2
To obtain Russian citizenship in the general manner, you will need to present a copy of your national passport with a translation certified by a notary, as well as a copy of your residence permit along with registration. In addition, a copy of the birth and marriage certificates must be submitted, which must be notarized. If you changed the installation data, you will have to submit the corresponding documents. It is also necessary to provide a statement according to which you renounce your existing citizenship of other countries, as well as a document confirming that you have a legitimate source of livelihood. You must prove that you have a good enough command of the Russian language by submitting a relevant document. Finally, you will need to provide 4 black and white matte 3 x 4 photographs and a receipt for payment of the state fee.
Step 3
You can use the simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship if you have one Russian parent or have been married to a Russian for three years or more. This right also belongs to immigrants from the former republics of the USSR, as well as persons who have lost their ability to work and have capable children in Russia. You will receive a similar privilege if you are a disabled citizen who came to the Russian Federation from the former Soviet republics and was registered in Russia as of July 1, 2002. It will take 6-8 months for specialists to consider documents according to a simplified procedure.
Step 4
If you can use the simplified procedure, you will need to present proof of residence permit, birth and marriage certificates, as well as documents that confirm your renunciation of your current citizenship. Do not forget to submit documents confirming your knowledge of the Russian language, as well as the existence of a means of subsistence. This is a minimal set of documents that can vary depending on what exactly allowed you to use simplified mode. You can find a detailed list of documents required for each case on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.