What You Need To Obtain Russian Citizenship

What You Need To Obtain Russian Citizenship
What You Need To Obtain Russian Citizenship

To obtain Russian citizenship, you need to collect a folder of papers, correctly fill out several forms and pay a state fee. To go through all the stages of the procedure without errors, it is worthwhile to understand the documents that regulate it and draw up an action plan for yourself.

What you need to obtain Russian citizenship
What you need to obtain Russian citizenship

Citizens of other countries who have reached the age of majority (18 years old) and have legal capacity can apply for Russian citizenship. The applicant must have lived in the territory of the Russian Federation for the last 5 years continuously, have a legitimate source of livelihood, be fluent in Russian and apply for renouncing another citizenship. After making sure that you meet these requirements, go to the Federal Migration Service or the consulate of the Russian Federation outside Russia. You will be given application forms and will explain what documents you need to collect. Fill in two copies of the citizenship change application forms. The text should be typed on a computer or written by hand in Russian. Formulate the answers as accurately as possible. Collect the package of documents necessary in your case. You can find a list of them in the Decree “On Approval of the Regulation on the Procedure for Considering Issues of Citizenship of the Russian Federation” or check with the FMS officer. You will need a residence permit, a document stating that you applied for renunciation of another citizenship. You will also need a certificate of income, a work book, a certificate from work or other papers confirming your financial situation. To obtain Russian citizenship, you must know the Russian language at a level sufficient for oral and written communication. Your knowledge must be confirmed by documents on education in the territory of the USSR or Russia or in a foreign educational institution, if there was a Russian language course. A certificate of passing a test in the Russian language can indicate your knowledge of the language. All copies of documents attached to the application must be notarized. If any documents are in a foreign language, please provide them with a translation. The translator's signature or the correctness of the translation must also be certified by a notary. Attach to the collected papers a passport (a copy will be taken from it), three 3x4 cm photographs and a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty or consular fee. If all documents are drawn up correctly, the FMS employee will accept your application. It will be considered within a year (in a general manner) or within 6 months (in a simplified manner). There are many nuances in the rules for obtaining Russian citizenship. To find out how to go through this procedure in your case, read the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" and the Decree "On Approval of the Regulation on the Procedure for Considering Issues of Citizenship of the Russian Federation"
