How hard it is sometimes to catch a work rhythm after holidays, vacations or even weekends! Thoughts about work drive you into melancholy and despondency, your hands give up, and a person does not think about anything except to return home as soon as possible, to his beloved sofa and do nothing.

Step 1
Do not tackle all work issues at once - start small, but do not mess around. Do not cover up laziness with vacation depression and blues.
Step 2
In working zeal, do not overdo it. Don't take on too much - no overtime in the first week after the holidays or vacation. Take a closer look at the situation, draw up a work plan for the next two weeks, sort your mail. Organize your desk if you don't have time to do it before the weekend.
Step 3
Take breaks from work every 20 minutes, you can even do simple exercises if the work environment allows. At lunchtime, be sure to go outside - even a few minutes in the fresh air will be useful. It is better to sit on a bench in the park than to stay in the office and chat with colleagues.
Step 4
Speaking of chatter. After returning from vacation, especially from overseas countries, try not to annoy your colleagues with endless stories about the beauties of seaside resorts - not everyone had the opportunity to relax with taste, your stories may annoy someone.
Step 5
Plan to leave your vacation in the middle of the week. It will be much easier for the body to get used to the new rhythm if you start working on Thursday, but from Monday, accustom yourself to the work schedule: try to get up early, have lunch at the same time, and go to bed on time.
Step 6
After work, be sure to walk, for example, get off the transport a few stops earlier and walk home. Fresh air will calm you down and set you up for a restful sleep.
Step 7
If literally everything in the office annoys you, help yourself with folk methods. Take a tincture of peony or mint - the benefits will be evident. Do not get carried away with energy drinks, alcohol and coffee - choose natural ways to stimulate activity, for example, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, or ginseng. Eat more apples, low-fat cheeses, nuts, and seafood. Monitor your bowels and do not overeat at night.