Fear is a problem that people face in their personal and professional life. This phenomenon is typical for all professions. Most often, an employee is afraid of losing his job, not coping with the assigned tasks. Many people have fear of communicating with their superiors or clients. Fear of the interview itself is also common. Interview questions can also drive a person into a stupor, cause panic, rejection, and aggression.

An effective strategy for overcoming fear is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones: "If I succeeded in other cases, then I can do it again", "If I was invited for an interview, it is because I perfectly meet the requirements of the vacancy." What we think (the cognitive component) directly affects how we feel (the physiological component). These two aspects influence actions (behavioral component).
Preparing for an interview is also an effective technique, correcting mistakes helps to feel confident. You can ask a friend to rehearse the questions together, or to tape the conversation. Affirmations, breathing techniques, yoga and meditation exercises promote relaxation and help to gather the spirit. One of these techniques is definitely worth adopting.
Of course, you can take a sedative in pills or drops to reduce the level of anxiety, but this is not the best option. Pharmaceutical drugs can reduce alertness, cause drowsiness, and have side effects. There are several manifestations of fear of interviews. Here are some of them:
- Fast speech or stuttering. To avoid this phenomenon in interviews, you need to rehearse at home. In this case, special techniques aimed at developing speech will also help.
- Nervous gestures. Most recruiters pay close attention to non-verbal cues. The only way to avoid unwanted gestures is to be aware of them and try to control them.
- Profuse perspiration. This manifestation of fear most often causes embarrassment. In this case, not only control over emotions helps, but also the use of special cosmetics.
Job interview yang look. When we are nervous, we look away, lower it to the floor or raise it to the ceiling. Recruiters prefer that the other person speaks with eye contact, with correct pauses and blinking at a calm pace. To achieve this, you need to record a video of the workout before the interview, become aware of the reactions and practice in front of the mirror.
Having emotion will bring you closer to your dream job and help make a good impression on your HR manager. Coping with your fear of interviewing isn't that difficult, it is important to believe in yourself and strive for career advancement.