Repair is impossible without noise, and noise is the cause of conflicts. So that the improvement of the apartment does not make the neighbors enemies, it is important to know if repairs can be done on weekends.

Distinguish between cosmetic and major repairs. The cosmetic includes plywood wallpaper, painting walls, floors, ceilings, that is, quiet work. The major one includes a large-scale alteration: both the chipping of the walls and the demolition of partitions, that is, actions that provoke noise.
You can, but be careful
In order for the owners not to rumble too much during the renovation, the law "On Silence" was adopted. Noisy work is completely prohibited on weekends. According to lawmakers, Sundays and public holidays are considered days off.
Saturday was classified as a working day. Therefore, we will allow noisy repairs, but only from 9 to 19 hours with a break from 13 to 15 hours. Neighbors are experiencing a lot of inconvenience due to this update. Therefore, it is important to find out their daily routine in advance, to warn about the beginning of work.
At the entrance, it is advisable to post a notice about the beginning of the repair. The schedule is adjusted based on the wishes of the residents of adjacent apartments, in which the elderly and families with babies live. With this approach, things will go smoothly.
In the community of residents of an apartment building, everyone has the same rights. Therefore, it is important not to violate the rights of neighbors during noisy work at home.
Regarding the "loud alteration" on the wrong day, you can contact the local police officer or call the police. The offender will have to pay a fine.

Without unnecessary noise
It is always important to try to avoid unnecessary noise. To carry out the work competently, they prepare for their implementation and develop a project in advance. A professional contractor will complete the task without unnecessary steps.
An electrician running under a ceiling covered with drywall will help to eliminate excess noise. The integrity of the floor slabs will not be compromised, and the estimate will be reasonably reduced.
It is forbidden to slab the floors if the wall is load-bearing: interference with its structure significantly impairs the operational characteristics of the building. The best options would be a GVL ceiling or open wiring.
It is strictly forbidden by law to drill anything on Sundays or holidays. There is a more suitable time for such noisy work, and the rest of the inhabitants of the house should not experience inconvenience due to the lack of time for someone to improve their home.
However, there is still a favorable moment. The law makes concessions to a person renovating his home if his neighbors agree to make concessions.
To confirm their loyalty, it is necessary to collect written agreements from them. Then it is allowed to renovate even on weekends.

Many feared that after the adoption of the amendments to the law on silence, the terms of the work would be greatly extended, since the time for noisy actions was limited. However, in practice, it turned out that the deadlines remained the same: the correct organization allows you to keep within the shortest time.