Although most of the country's citizens work in shifts, there are certain norms for rest. Is it possible to make repairs on weekends and holidays in the apartment?

There is no strict universal prohibition on carrying out repairs. However, they are only allowed at certain times.
My house, and whose rules?
In any case, before taking on the hammer, it is worth thinking about the neighbors. They, of course, understand that renovation is an inevitable event, they just want to rest too. And the law allows them to do it.
On holidays and Sundays for repairs - a red light. Improvement of the apartment on Saturday is allowed. But here, too, there are some nuances: the perforator is assigned an interval from 9 to 19 hours.
According to the general requirements for ensuring silence, it is forbidden to make noise from 23 to 7 o'clock, but the total time allowed for home improvement is not indicated.
Regions set their own rules. In them, the performance of various works in a residential area is more severely limited. So, in St. Petersburg, repairs are prohibited from night time to noon.
However, there are areas where certain restrictions do not apply. But special frames are set aside for weekends and holidays. Only specific laws will help determine whether repairs can be done at such a time.
In Yaroslavl, a ban has been imposed on construction work on weekends and official state holidays.
The only exception was renovations in new buildings, which are no more than one and a half years old. Here, repairs are allowed during daylight hours without restrictions on the days of the week.
Noise is inadmissible in Kazan. It is not recommended to carry out even quiet repairs: from 10 pm to 10 am, silence is mandatory.

Sometimes the period of rest by the legislation of the regions not only increases, but is also supplemented by a time interval in the middle of the day. Thus, the Moscow region introduced a "quiet hour" from 13 to 15, given that preschoolers usually sleep at such times.
Quiet solutions to noisy problems
Since at the regional level it is allowed to act regardless of the general principles, before starting the repair, you should find out the current standards and adhere to them.
For example, Irkutsk made repairs unacceptable on weekends and holidays from 21 to 8 o'clock. The only exception was urgent action. All other work is punished with substantial fines.
Citizens often ignore all bans despite the sanctions. If for individuals the sizes of fines vary from 5 to 50 thousand rubles, then more stringent measures are applied to legal entities.
The ban does not apply only to:
- urgent elimination of the accident;
- prevention of offenses;
- emergencies.
If the neighbors sincerely believe that the closed beast reliably protects others from the noise of a punch working in the apartment in the early morning of Sunday morning, it is worth talking to the initiator of the repair. Often, such a measure is much more effective than legal fines.
If heart-to-heart conversations are unsuccessful, available measures are used:
- the violation is recorded in the presence of a district police officer or the police;
- provide evidence with the help of witnesses;
- write complaints to Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological station, district police officer;
- submit an application to the court.
Such a legal struggle will not bring joy to both sides, but there is no other way out if you have to endure noise at the wrong time.

It is likely that a timely warning of such actions will stop the neighbors. Therefore, it is much easier to agree in advance and agree on all issues. One should think about the future today.