A multi-storey building is a huge hostel. There is no room for liberties in it. In this anthill, you should follow the rules. All the arguments that your home is your own fortress turn out to be fantasies in practice. And in the light of such a discovery, the question of whether it is possible to make noise on the weekend or not is being decided far from favoring the active and young.

Sometimes it is impossible to do without noise. There are general requirements for performing noise works. They are set out in the Law on Silence, in force since 2016. Since that time, the norms of the regime and responsibility for their violations have been taken into account.
How to make the noise quieter
It is forbidden to make noise both in the apartment and in the local area. Where citizens are resting and living, where they receive treatment, study, and so on, the law on silence must be observed. To take measures, the state to a greater extent prompted the discontent of residents because of the repair work, the noise of construction tools.
Special norms have been established for the capital and the Moscow region. On weekends, work is prohibited on them from ten in the evening until ten in the morning on Saturday. Noise works are completely excluded on Sunday or a public holiday. But for the rest of the settlements, they operate in their own standards for the weekend. On holidays and Sundays, it is forbidden to make noise from one to three in the afternoon. At this time, the following are unacceptable:
- loud sounds;
- playing musical instruments;
- listening to loud TV or radio;
- the use of construction and household appliances;
- renovation.
Violation of the norms of silence is recognized as an administrative violation, for which a fine is imposed. Neighbors are especially responsive to renovation work. However, people are annoyed by the ringing laughter, and the booming sounds of steps, and the running of kids. Soundproofing in apartments is far from perfect.
If you complain, you do not need to be offended. We need to get acquainted and make friends. At least try to build a good relationship. Next, you should take all measures to reduce noise:
- carpets on the floor.
- soft good slippers for home.
- limiting the excessive agility of children (the sports section will help, direct energy in the right direction).
- additional sound insulation.

Modern techniques - spacers between laminate and backing, high noise absorption fiber mat, foam backing, cork. There is an option with a floating floor. It does not touch the base, that is, the vibrations of sounds are not transmitted.
Walls and ceiling are insulated with fiberglass, silica fiber, vibroacoustic sealant. This is not the entire list. Modern technology guarantees peace and quiet throughout the house. Of course, the cost of the work is not small. But health and peace of mind are not cheap either.
How to make noise correctly
Good relationships with neighbors are useful in every sense: both for the common use of property, excluding the apartment, and as babysitting while the adults are away.
Repair work in the apartment is not prohibited by law, but they cannot be carried out on Sundays.. On weekends from ten in the evening until ten in the morning, silence is mandatory. If the actions last more than six hours, leave an hour for silence.
It is very correct to stock up in advance with the written consent of the neighbors as a guarantee of their patience and understanding. It is even easier on weekends not to carry out any procedures related to the reconstruction of the home.
Noisy work is considered to be carried out using power tools, an ax or a hammer. For parties, you should choose a time that does not disturb the neighbors. Make sure to take breaks. Music is not turned on at full volume. Few people are annoyed by a good melody of moderate volume.
For the holidays, the time is chosen from 10 to 18 hours, stopping the fun from 13 to 15. You can sing and speak more calmly. If problems are inevitable, maybe it is better to celebrate outdoors or in a cafe?
Neither renovation nor celebration needs to be canceled. The law does not impose a ban on them. You can drop by and negotiate with demanding neighbors. Even an announcement indicating the start and end times of the event can be posted in advance.

If the time allotted by law is not violated, you can safely make repairs and hold a party. But both individuals and organizations will have to answer for the violation. Only the punishment varies. And responsibility is relevant not only for city residents. Rural residents are equally obliged to obey the law.