The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to peace and quiet at night is protected by current legislation. At what time can noisy work and actions be carried out in order not to become a violator?

Despite the fact that the main normative legal act regulating the procedure for protecting the rights of citizens from their violations in the Russian Federation is the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), this document does not contain clear regulations establishing the hours allotted for night sleep and rest of Russians.
Establishing the Right of Citizens to Silence at the Regional Level
The fact is that the subjects of the Russian Federation are vested with the right to establish the period of time allotted for sleep and rest. This decision was made by the legislator on the basis that it is the local authorities who have a better understanding of the factors that determine the optimal ratio of work and rest modes. For example, such factors may be the prevailing nature of economic activity in the region, the time of sunrise and sunset, and others. Therefore, in most Russian constituent entities of the Federation, special regional regulations have been adopted, which spell out at what hours noisy work and other actions can be carried out, and when peace and quiet should be provided to neighbors.
Rest mode on weekends and weekdays
The independence of the Russian regions in determining the modes of work and rest allows them not only to establish the optimal ratio of these modes, but also to differentiate them depending on the day of the week. However, not all subjects of the Federation enjoy this right.
For example, in Moscow the time of silence is regulated by Law No. 45 of November 21, 2007, which is called the "Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offenses." Article 3.13 of this regulatory legal act establishes that the ban on noisy work and other activities in the city applies for the period from 23 to 7 hours, regardless of the day of the week, therefore, you can make noise on weekdays and on weekends from 7 to 23 hours. And in the Novosibirsk region, this issue is regulated by Law No. 99-OZ of February 14, 2003 "On Administrative Offenses in the Novosibirsk Region". This law establishes different regimes for the ratio of work and rest on weekends and working days. So, on weekdays, the right of citizens to sleep and rest at night extends from 22 to 7 hours local time, and on weekends - from 22 to 9 hours. So, noisy work and activities on weekends in this region should be carried out only from 9 to 22 hours.
Thus, when planning the implementation of repair work or a noisy party, you should familiarize yourself with the current legislation of the region in which you live. This information will not only allow you to comply with the law and not be subject to sanctions for violating the right of citizens to rest at night, but also to protect your own right to silence if it is violated.