The vacancy of a security guard in our time is one of the most demanded. However, you can get a job in a decent organization only if you have a license to carry out security activities. What do you need to do to get it?

Step 1
Get trained in government licensed security guard training courses. In St. Petersburg, security guards are trained, for example, by such private training centers and educational institutions as Vityaz, Voskhod, Parallel, Rus, or the Elephant school of detectives and security guards. You can also contact state educational and methodological centers that train personnel for the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Step 2
After completing your studies, take a qualifying exam. Before submitting it, submit to the qualification commission:
- the passport;
- a conclusion on the state of health that does not interfere with the performance of the duties of a security guard, issued by a medical institution licensed for such examination;
- certificate (certificate) of training completion (certified copy and original).
The exam usually consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.
Step 3
In accordance with the results of passing the exam, receive a copy of the decision of the commission and a certificate of awarding you a qualification category.
Step 4
If you received the 4th category, then in the future you will be able to carry out security activities only using special means (for example, video surveillance of the object).
Step 5
If you have been assigned the 5th grade, then in the future you will be able to use only self-defense weapons (gas canisters and pistols, electroshock devices) to suppress encroachments on the object you are guarded.
Step 6
If you received the 6th grade, then this means that you are allowed to use all types of weapons, including service firearms.
Step 7
Submit the following documents to the department for licensing and permitting work and control over the implementation of private detective and security activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region:
- application form;
- passport (certified copy);
- the decision of the qualification commission to assign you a category;
- medical examination;
- certificate (certificate) of completion of training courses (certified copy);
- work record book (certified copy);
- the obligation that you are warned about the impossibility of combining security and other types of activities;
- a fingerprint card;
- a receipt for payment of the state duty.
Step 8
Obtain a license for security activities in this department of the ATC.