It happens that a person has not posted his resume anywhere in order to find a job, and he is unexpectedly contacted with a lucrative offer. When asked about the source of information, they are silent. Most likely, the headhunter made itself felt.

Step 1
A headhunter (translated from English as head hunter - a headhunter) means a specialist who is engaged in the selection or luring of successful personnel from specific organizations. Most often he is interested in the highest management level and executive management.
Step 2
Experienced and highly qualified specialists, as a rule, are already employed and make a profit for the company in which they work. It was this fact that became the reason for the development of such an activity as headhunting.
Step 3
Specialists in this field are characterized by systemic thinking, quick orientation in any situations, making the right decisions and, of course, mastering psychological techniques. The latter helps him convince, penetrate trust, influence the consciousness of the audience. Exceptionally brave, strong-willed, assertive and tenacious people are suitable for this job.
Step 4
The work of a "bounty hunter" resembles the work of a private detective, a recruiter for special services, a spy. This specialist determines the circle of the most professionally valuable employees who are interesting to the customer. After that, specific people are selected, on whom a kind of hunt begins.
Step 5
The headhunter collects as much information as possible about the persons of interest and begins to gradually enter into their trust. A professional in his field will always be ready to meet at the time and place that will be convenient for the person of interest. He will answer all questions regarding the customer's company. If something is unknown to him, he will definitely clarify this point with further clarification. In no case will the headhunter discuss the vacancy on the phone until he is personally convinced that he is in front of him who is needed. This specialist will never give out information regarding where he got the information about the person of interest from. In some cases, this is not advertised because the sources can be the strangest.
Step 6
It is important to note that the work of a headhander is classified as difficult. That is why the payment is appropriate - the services of these specialists are expensive and often depend on the area in which the employee is required.
Step 7
In order to attract the attention of a headhunter, you need to constantly be in sight. You should attend some trainings, courses, seminars and just communicate with people from your field. In addition, it is necessary to actively exchange business cards with other specialists, since there are cases when information gets to headhunters through such people.