How To Get A Job In The Registry Office

How To Get A Job In The Registry Office
How To Get A Job In The Registry Office

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The registry office is the authority that issues certificates of marriage, death, birth. One way or another, every person in life encounters this organization. Those persons who have the appropriate education and timely submit documents to the state competition for filling vacant positions can get a job in the registry office.

How to get a job in the registry office
How to get a job in the registry office


Step 1

The registry office refers to state bodies that carry out all documentary work to register significant events in the life of every person. First, decide what position you would like to apply for. The organization is obliged to conduct a competition for filling a vacancy in accordance with the provisions of the law. You can submit documents within a certain time frame, they are stipulated in the vacancy announcement and accepted in a specially created commission. In the application for a position, you should indicate your personal data, education, work experience, list the qualities inherent in you as a professional and put the date and signature at the bottom of the page. Copies of the passport, diploma and work record book, if any, are attached to the document.

Step 2

The commission considers documents within 30 days from the date of their receipt. An open competition is then held where you can attend. All changes and results during the competition are duplicated in the media. The competition is considered valid if there are at least two applications for one vacant place of work. Priority, under equal conditions, belongs to the first application filed.

Step 3

Preference is given to persons with higher professional philological, legal, psychological, in the field of state and municipal management. This is due to the need to work with documents, people, the need to deal with office work every day and a large flow of people with whom you need to communicate tactfully and politely. A person who has passed the results of the competition for a vacant place is registered for work with a trial period of 3 to 6 months at the discretion of the head of the registry office. After this period, it is necessary to pass an exam, according to the results of which the employee is dismissed or issued for permanent work. Certification of employees is carried out annually, every three class ranks.

Step 4

Management positions can only be obtained by a person who has experience in a similar field of work and has a higher education. You can apply for such vacancies regardless of age, nationality and race. The tender documentation contains an imperative list that must be followed when submitting an application.
