After the death of a person, his relatives must receive a stamped death certificate. This important document is issued exclusively by the registry office, in exchange for the passport of the deceased. However, in order to obtain a certificate, it is necessary to provide several more papers, which should be drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

It is necessary
- - the passport of the deceased;
- - own passport;
- - medical certificate drawn up according to the form;
- - protocol of examination of the corpse.
Step 1
After the death of a person, it is necessary to obtain a medical certificate. If death occurs at home, call your GP. He will examine the body, certify death and fill out the appropriate form. After that, invite a police officer who should draw up a protocol for examining the corpse. With these documents, the deceased's insurance policy and your own passport, contact the district clinic to obtain a medical death certificate.
Step 2
If the death occurred at night, call the ambulance team instead of the local doctor. Do the same if the deceased has not been to the district clinic for a long time - on this basis, the staff of the medical institution may refuse to give an opinion on death. Get a death certificate from ambulance doctors, call the police, and then call the corpse transport service to transport the body to the morgue. Find out when and where you can apply for a medical death certificate.
Step 3
If the corpse was transported to the morgue where the autopsy was carried out, a certificate will be issued by a pathologist. In order to be handed over to you, show the police examination protocol, the deceased's passport and your own passport. Most likely, money will be required for preparing the body. When you pay, don't forget to receive a check.
Step 4
Check the correctness of filling out the medical certificate. Specify the epicrisis, the spelling of the name and surname of the deceased, the presence of signatures and a round seal of the medical institution.
Step 5
Collect all the necessary documents: the passport of the deceased, medical death certificate and your own passport. Contact the registry office at the place of registration of the deceased. You will receive a stamped death certificate quickly - on the same day or the next day. If the body has undergone an autopsy, you will be advised to contact the registry office located on the territory of the morgue - here you can get documents even faster. Do not forget to present a receipt confirming payment for the services of the morgue.
Step 6
The registry office staff will give you a stamp certificate in exchange for the deceased's passport. Check the spelling of the name of the deceased, sign in the registration book. In addition to the certificate, you will be given a certificate according to which you can receive a burial allowance. To receive benefits, contact the companies where the deceased worked. If the deceased did not work or was a retired person, contact your local Pension Fund office.