Today, consumers have the right not only to receive various goods and services of proper quality, but also guarantees to keep them in good working order. Thus, the manufacturer or contractor has a number of obligations to consumers.

To determine the normal life of the product, the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" introduced such a concept as "service life". It is intended to determine the period of time during which the manufacturer must provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the product for its intended purpose. In addition, the manufacturer is responsible to the consumer for the defects of the goods that have arisen through the fault of the former.
During the service life, you, as a consumer, can make claims for significant defects in the product, claim damages, receive repairs and maintenance of the product.
If the manufacturer has not established a service life for your product, you can make claims within 10 years from the moment the product is handed over to you. If it was not possible to establish this date, then the period of 10 years should be counted from the date of release of the goods.
The term "shelf life", which also serves as a warranty period, means the time period after which the product is considered unusable for its intended purpose. During this period, you are entitled to compensation for damages and can make claims regarding product defects.
The expiration date is set for products that may deteriorate over time and products that become hazardous over time. Manufacturers of foodstuffs, perfumery and cosmetic products, household chemicals, medicines and other similar goods are obliged to set an expiration date for their goods.
The warranty period is the period during which, if a defect is found in the product, the manufacturer (seller) is obliged to satisfy the requirements from the consumer. During this period, the consumer has the broadest rights to make demands about the defects found in the product and its work.