Our life cannot be without criticism - especially if people are connected by business relationships. When performing work tasks, people often make mistakes, and the leader has to make suggestions to his subordinates so that this does not happen again. Often, after such a conversation, an unpleasant aftertaste remains. Perhaps the criticisms were expressed incorrectly and you are unhappy with the way you behaved during the conversation?

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that he always judges from the standpoint of his experience. For example, if you say to one that this color does not suit him, he will calmly ask which one is more suitable for him, and the other will be mortally offended and will think that you consider him an idiot. Likewise, in the work process - a critical remark at someone's address can be a strong blow to the self-esteem of a subordinate, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. How to criticize correctly?
First, avoid public criticism. If you criticize an employee in front of colleagues, he will not think about what you told him, but about what people will think of him. Although at this time it would be good to think about how to fix the situation. In this case, the purpose of your conversation will not be achieved, and the person will feel humiliated.
Never criticize in a raised voice, and also watch out for intonation. Excessively emotional criticism can offend a person, and he will not accept anything from what has been said, since he will also fall under the power of emotions. It is better to calmly offer your help to get out of this situation. A grateful employee, expecting a beating for what he did, will do everything in his power to correct the mistake. Isn't that what you wanted?
If you want the subordinate to take criticism calmly, start the conversation with praise. Say that in this case, in this project, in this work, he did well, and then move on to specific comments. At the same time, it is better not to say: "The work is done well, but …". The words "but" and "however" instantly cross out everything that was said earlier, and the person pays attention only to what was said after. It is better to use connectives like "and", "although", "a": "but here it was not quite right." Speak specifically: what you didn’t like and why, without general phrases and vague wordings.
Ask questions - perhaps the person himself has already realized what he did wrong and knows how to fix it. In this case, you will save a lot of time and nerves, as the subordinate will criticize himself and suggest a way to correct the error. In any case, you will get a constructive dialogue, not an accusatory monologue.
A tactful person in an argument never gets personal. And even more so - a leader who initially stands above the employee whom he criticizes. This will no longer be an analysis of mistakes, but an insult. Of course, this is relevant if you have complaints about a specific task, and not about the fact that a person is constantly late for work. But in this case, it is better to talk specifically about being late, and not that the person is irresponsible and so on.
Diplomacy in "debriefing" has not hindered anyone yet. Only a real gentleman can ask an employee who comes to work in a rumpled suit and bags under his eyes if everything is in order at home and if everything is good with health. This is much better than scolding right off the bat for being late for a meeting. Perhaps the person has a good reason for being late and even not quite fresh looking.
Try to understand the person. If he wants to object - give him the floor to explain what happened. After all, the employee put a lot of time and effort into this business, he tried to do everything right. Of course, if this is not a notorious slacker, taking time off from work.
After making critical remarks, say that you believe in the employee's potential and professionalism - this will be the best medicine for negative emotions resulting from an unpleasant conversation. And it will give the person the strength to correct the mistake.
The most important thing is to remember that the main task of criticism is not to offend a person and “show him his place”, but to help him see mistakes and correct them as soon as possible. After all, the saying that a mistake is a way to gain invaluable experience has not lost its relevance.