When it is necessary to quit unexpectedly and urgently, it is very difficult to convince the bosses to let the employee go "right now." And the employer can be understood, because he will have to look for a new employee as soon as possible, spend time and money on training a newcomer.

In the life of every person, there may come a period when he is forced to leave his workplace for good. There are many reasons for this, but here are the most common ones:
- changing of the living place;
- caring for a sick (elderly) relative;
- health problems;
- decree.
Let's consider.
Article 77 of the Labor Code states that an employment contract can be terminated at the initiative of a subordinate. The main thing is that he filed a letter of resignation two weeks before the required deadline. The countdown of these two weeks begins the day after the letter of resignation hits the boss on the desk.
An employee can be dismissed on the day the application is filed after agreement has been reached. To avoid violating the above article, you must take into account that the date of the letter of resignation and the date of dismissal must be the same.
Now, specifically about dismissal without working off.
Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of dismissal within the period that you indicated in your application for valid reasons. These include:
- retirement;
- enrollment in an educational institution;
- violation of labor laws;
- moving to another area;
- transfer of a spouse to work in another city;
- sending a spouse to work abroad;
- caring for a disabled child or a child under the age of 14;
- disability;
- caring for a sick family member;
- pregnancy;
- competitive recruitment.
Each of the reasons must be confirmed with an appropriate document (medical certificate, certificate of transfer from the spouse's place of work, passport with a discharge mark and a document certifying employment under a competition).
However, you should be aware that you may be subject to all the obligations specified in the labor law, regardless of the terms of the cancellation of the contract. Therefore, it remains only to hope that your boss is an understanding person who can get into your position and sign a dismissal by agreement of the parties. Only thanks to this consent can one quit immediately, without completing the two weeks specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.