For many, the concepts of "boss" and "subordinate" are antagonists, even enmity is assumed between them, since each of them has different goals. This idea, which has remained with people since the times of the Soviet Union, is quite tenacious, but it does not at all correspond to the realities of today. And they are such that maintaining an effective working relationship between the boss and subordinates is the key to the effective work of the unit and the enterprise as a whole.

Methodology used in Russia
Many managers who want to keep up with the times and use knowledge in the field of practical psychology in order to build the most effective relationships with their subordinates use the methodology proposed by N. I. Kozlov, the author and developer of many programs aimed at developing personal and business qualities, including managers. He proposes to carry out a working relationship based on the formula "Positive - Constructive - Responsibility".
According to this formula, the relationship between a leader and a subordinate is based not on fear or dependence, but on the positive. The subordinate has the right to count on the trust of the company and its management and on the recognition of his real merits. He must believe that any controversial issues can be resolved, he has the right to make mistakes and can count on respect for his personality.
As for the constructiveness, the leader should use phrases such as “I need to hear your opinion on this matter”, “For the good of the cause, I need to involve you in this issue,” as motivation. Of course, these phrases are manipulative, but they raise the self-esteem of the subordinate and are a good stimulant. Constructive also implies business, partnership, constructive communication.
Such communication leads to the fact that the employee is ready to take responsibility without shifting it completely onto the shoulders of the boss. Mutual responsibility also implies mutual obligations, which become the basis for partnerships and cooperation between the manager and the subordinate. And the work based on the principles of cooperation is the most effective.
Overseas experience
In the West, a special style of management is popular. At the same time, the process of communication between the leader and his subordinates is organized in such a way that the latter perform what they think they consider necessary. As you know, a person always does this more willingly than fulfilling someone's orders. But the fact is that it is the leader who creates such situations or unobtrusively pushes the subordinate to make supposedly independent decisions, which, nevertheless, are beneficial to the leader himself.
The management process is structured in such a way that subordinates actually act independently, but in fact, under the control and direction of a mentor manager. Control is carried out in everyday business communication: this is consulting during production meetings, working meetings, scheduled checks on the fulfillment of duties. Mastering this art of management is the task of a leader who wants to increase the efficiency of the work of the team entrusted to him.