Company Day is a holiday aimed at establishing relations and connections between all departments and departments. Gathering employees, who often know each other only by e-mail, together or holding separate small events - it is up to the management and the internal PR specialist to decide. They are the ones who figure out how to celebrate the day of the company.

It is necessary
- - an event organization company;
- - formed budget;
- - script;
- - invited artists;
- - tasks for departments;
- - elements of the territory decoration;
- - inventory for competitions;
- - musical selection;
- - audio system;
- - ordered or prepared food and drinks.
Step 1
Choose the date of the company day with the management, approve the budget for the entire event. It is on him that the choice of the method of celebration depends, the number and quality of artists, food, location. Decide if there will be gifts for employees, find out if there are plans to reward someone. Such moments will need to be inserted or discussed when writing the script and composing the soundtrack.
Step 2
Contact your party company. You will be prompted to choose a venue, scenario, program, menu from those available in the assortment and free for the expected date. Also, such companies already have package offers. You can change anything depending on your audience.
Step 3
Write your own script, select a site, order catering (catering) in a restaurant. Browse the internet for suitable artists. Be sure to read their reviews and recommendations. Pay special attention to the choice of the host of the holiday. Ask about it from acquaintances, friends, former colleagues. The host is the person on whom the mood of your guests depends.
Step 4
Create a themed party. Be sure to write down the dress code for all guests, record high-quality soundtracks that match the topic. For example, it could be "Thirties Party", "Gangster Gathering" or "Award Presentation". Each event of this type also implies a certain form of the menu (light buffet, typical for the theme; drinks or set tables) and interesting team games.
Step 5
Consider an outdoor activity. It doesn't matter if there is a company day in summer or winter. Each season offers unique opportunities for imagination. In summer, for example, host a pirate quest party with distinctive costumes, paraphernalia, maps, and a treasure hunt for several teams. In winter, spend a company day at a ski lodge with a sauna and barbecue.