A labor dispute commission is created in the organization to resolve issues related to the settlement of a disagreement between an employer and an employee. An employee can participate in disputes of the CCC personally or through a representative.

- - A4 sheet;
- - a pen;
- - a computer.
Step 1
The CCC considers disputes about changing the terms of the agreement, about the use of vacations, about remuneration, about the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, and others.
Step 2
Contact the CCC after a three-month period from the date of violation of your rights. If you apply later, the panel will reject your claims. The CCC can restore the missed deadline if the reason for the omission is valid.
Step 3
To contact the commission, write a statement. Start the "cap" of the application with the words: "To the Labor Dispute Commission." Enter the name of the organization. Write your full name and position, profession at the place of work, address and telephone number.
Step 4
In the descriptive part of the application, state the essence of the dispute. Explain why you believe that labor laws have been violated against you. Refer to regulations, local acts of the organization, employment contract. Give explanations from witnesses.
Step 5
In the requesting part of the application, state your requirements. Start it with the word PLEASE. For example, I ask to declare the requirement to impose a disciplinary sanction illegal. Collect non-pecuniary damage compensation from the employer in your favor. Please enter the exact amount.
Step 6
Attach to the application the documents that are necessary to confirm the circumstances of the case: a copy of the employment contract, a copy of the work record book, a copy of the service certificate, copies of orders indicating the violation of your rights. Sign the date and sign with a transcript.
Step 7
Please write your application in duplicate. One - with a mark of registration in the CCC - leave it with you, give the other to the commission. The CCC is obliged to consider the application within 10 days. If the application is not processed on time, you can file a lawsuit. Also, in the court at the place of residence of the defendant, you can appeal against the decision of the labor dispute committee within ten days from the date of its delivery.