The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains information about enterprises. The extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains all the data: the name, the composition of the founders, the address of the enterprise, information about the governing bodies, as well as information about all changes ever made to the documents. To date, you can get an extract from the register in one of several ways.

Step 1
If you want to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for your enterprise in the usual manner (after five working days), you do not need to pay the state fee. If you need an urgent statement (it is ready the next business day), pay the state fee at the Sberbank branch.
Step 2
Find out the details of the territorial tax authority for paying the state duty on the website of the tax inspectorate or at information stands in the building of the tax authority. Fill out the receipt for payment of the duty at the bank branch or on the page at Pay the state fee, take your part of the receipt with bank marks. Payment of the state fee is also possible by bank transfer.
Step 3
On the company letterhead, make a request for an extract from the register of legal entities. In the text of the letter, indicate the PSRN, TIN and KPP of your enterprise, as well as the purpose of obtaining the extract. If you need an urgent statement, please check this. Provide the postal address if you want to receive a ready-made statement by mail. Sign the letter, put the stamp of the company.
Step 4
Submit the letter of request to the territorial tax authority in person or send it by mail. If you need an urgent statement, attach a receipt for payment of the state fee to the letter. After the number of days specified by the tax authority, take the prepared statement. Bring your passport and, if necessary, a power of attorney from the company.
Step 5
An additional service has appeared on the website of the Federal Tax Service - obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities via the Internet. Go to the website at, in the "Electronic Services" section, find the appropriate item to learn more about the rules for ordering and receiving extracts from the state register.
Step 6
You can also submit an application and receive information on the status of an application for an extract from the register from your personal account on the single portal of state and municipal services at