What Is The Procedure For Considering Citizens' Appeals In The Investigative Committee Of The Russian Federation

What Is The Procedure For Considering Citizens' Appeals In The Investigative Committee Of The Russian Federation
What Is The Procedure For Considering Citizens' Appeals In The Investigative Committee Of The Russian Federation

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The procedure for considering citizens' appeals by state bodies is regulated by legislation and internal regulations of organizations. You do not need to know these requirements thoroughly to solve your pressing issues, but you need to have an understanding of them. The order of consideration of appeals and applications largely determines your specific actions when interacting with official structures. In some situations, citizens have to contact the investigating authorities.

What is the procedure for considering citizens' appeals in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
What is the procedure for considering citizens' appeals in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation


Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2010 N403-FZ "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation."


Step 1

Determine the purpose of your appeal to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. It should be within the competence of this body. The Investigative Committee considers applications and other appeals that contain reports of crimes, complaints about the actions and decisions of lower investigative units, as well as petitions in criminal cases. If your appeal does not correspond to the competence of the authority, it will be transferred to other authorities, but you will lose time.

Step 2

When composing an appeal, address it to the specific head of the structural unit of the Investigative Committee. To do this, specify in advance the surname, name and patronymic of the official, as well as the name of his position. This will allow you to address your question to a specific recipient without wasting time. Documents that are drawn up to protect legitimate interests are sent to the appropriate structural unit.

Step 3

In your document, briefly state the factual circumstances that prompted your request. Keep your message concise and clear. Provide only information that is relevant to the issue at hand, preferably in chronological order. References to specific legal regulations that you believe have been violated will also be appropriate. At the end of the appeal, formulate your requirement, for example, to conduct a check on a specific fact. The document must also contain your personal data and signature.

Step 4

Send your appeal to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation or one of its structural divisions in writing with a receipt acknowledgment. You can also state the essence of the issue in person, by presenting a document proving your identity. When contacting directly, take into account the schedule of reception of citizens approved by the head of the investigative body.

Step 5

When making an appointment with the RF IC, get an appropriate referral by agreeing on the time and place of the meeting. As a rule, the reception of citizens is held at least once a week. Make sure your call is registered to the ledger.

Step 6

Wait until a decision is made on the issue indicated in the appeal. As a rule, a calendar month is allocated for this. If it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth check, the term may be extended with appropriate reasons. If you are not satisfied with the answer to the application, you have the right to contact other authorities, including the prosecutor's office or the court.
