In the course of the investigation of a criminal case, any details about the events related to it are important. To clarify the involvement of certain persons in the case, as well as to stage events, an investigative experiment is being conducted.

Step 1
An investigative experiment is called an action that reproduces the events associated with a certain criminal case and establishes the circle of persons involved in them. An investigative experiment is carried out by employees of the investigating authorities using the methods and means provided for by law.
Step 2
The first stage of the investigative experiment is called preparatory. In the course of it, investigators collect information about the events that have taken place, hear brief testimonies of the suspects, accused, victims, witnesses participating in the investigative action about the circumstances relevant to the case and subject to verification.
Step 3
The next stage of the process is the work of the investigator with the person whose actions are subject to verification. On the basis of the description of the events, the person checks how much it matches the description previously drawn up directly by the officers of the investigative committee. If a statement is received about any discrepancy between the recreated situation and the data available to law enforcement officials, the investigator makes appropriate adjustments to them. A similar check is carried out in relation to all key persons involved in the case. In their absence, the role of objects of the investigative experiment is played by persons with similar physical characteristics.
Step 4
In the course of his work, the investigator keeps a protocol - the main means of fixing the investigative experiment. It consists of three main parts: introductory, descriptive and concluding. The introductory part of the protocol of the investigative experiment provides for the obligatory indication of the purpose of the experiment.
Step 5
The descriptive part of the protocol reflects the situation in which the experiment is conducted, and includes a description of the reconstruction of events, the location of the participants in the experiment during the production of experimental actions, an accurate description of each experiment and conclusions from it.
Step 6
The final part of the protocol contains instructions on the mandatory familiarization with it by all participants in the investigative experiment, their remarks and statements, a list of attached diagrams, photo tables, plans, audio and video cassettes. Also, the protocol is confirmed with the signatures of all participants in the investigative action. The document is subject to verification by the prosecutor's office and can later be used in the trial in the relevant criminal case.