The notorious "housing issue" is still relevant. Relationships between once loved ones are broken, and cohabitation in the same apartment becomes impossible. Often at the same time, a person, even who has left it, remains registered in this apartment. This fact is considered an encumbrance and significantly complicates the right to use the owner of the apartment, if it is privatized.

Step 1
The question of how to discharge a person registered in a privatized apartment depends on whether he is the owner of this apartment or a minor. In the first case, you cannot write it out in any way. If we are talking about the discharge of a minor or an incapacitated person, then you can write it out only with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities, notarized permission of his legal representatives, subject to the provision of living space similar in terms of living conditions.
Step 2
If a person is not the owner of a privatized apartment, then he can be registered in it, provided that he is a member of the home owner's family or he will be given the right to use on any legal basis. You can write it out if the right to live and use the apartment is considered lost. That is, on the basis of a court decision.
Step 3
The grounds for the loss of the right to use a privatized apartment and the subsequent discharge from it may be: - the defendant is no longer a member of the owner's family, and the apartment was acquired in ownership before the marriage; - the defendant has not lived in the apartment for a long time, resides permanently at a different address, does not pay utilities and does not take part in its maintenance; - the defendant has never actually lived in this apartment.
Step 4
Collect documents confirming the listed facts. In the first case, such a document is a divorce certificate. In other cases, you will need evidence from neighbors certified by the housing office that the defendant does not live in the apartment, as well as testimony from the district police officer and receipts for payment of utilities, which bear your signature. Write an application to the district court for the forced eviction of a citizen registered in your own apartment.