A wedding is by all means unique, unforgettable moments of life for any of us. It would seem that Mendelssohn's march has died down, a marriage certificate has been issued to the newlyweds, a new unit of society has been created, the young family is officially registered. However, one important detail is missing. Marriage is a joint residence of the newlyweds on the same living space. But how to register a husband in a privatized apartment is a question that has now become quite popular and popular among young families.

- - documents on the ownership of the apartment;
- - passports;
- - home Book;
- - visit to the Federal Migration Service
Step 1
First of all, an important detail when registering (registering) a husband on your living space is the consent of all family members living there. That is, if you live alone, respectively, it is you who independently decide whether to register your husband or not, but if other family members or relatives (parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters, etc.) are registered in the apartment, it is important to obtain their consent to register a spouse. An interesting fact is that the legislation does not provide for such a norm, but the officials responsible for registration will certainly require written confirmation of the consent of all owners. Once you have obtained such consent, there are a number of steps you need to take.
Step 2
Take the passport of your husband and the owner of the apartment (your identity document), as well as a certificate of ownership, marriage certificate and their photocopies, an extract from the man's previous place of residence, house book and technical passport for the apartment (the last document - for every happening.
Step 3
Contact the Office of the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence, and if the registration is carried out by the passport officer of the housing department or DEZ, to him. At the same time, it is important to know that the personal presence of the husband and the owner as an apartment when submitting documents is mandatory.
Step 4
Write an application on the established form for the granting of the husband, as a family member, the right to use the living quarters. The spouse, in turn, must write an application for registration on the appropriate form (if he previously had a permanent registration, then the passport officer must be provided with a telon notification of deregistration).
Step 5
Please note that registration - whether temporary or permanent - is free by all authorities.
Step 6
Wait for the period of consideration of documents and, accordingly, the results of registration.
Show up on time to receive registration data. As a rule, such data are entered in the house book, as well as in the husband's passport, if the registration is temporary, the passport officer will issue an insert with the FMS seal.