Firing is not a very pleasant process. But the circumstances are different: staff reduction, management order, crisis, project closure. The easiest option is to ask the employee to leave "of his own free will", but if he refuses, we will look for other ways. The Labor Code will help us in our search. Open article 81 "Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer." Under what circumstances can an employment contract be terminated?

Step 1
"Inconsistency of the employee with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification."
Get ready, arrange for an unscheduled inspection, or send an employee for an assessment that he most likely will not be able to pass. But according to the law, a dismissed employee can apply for a lower-paid position in your company, up to the vacancy of a courier or a cleaning woman.
Step 2
“Repeated non-performance by the employee without good reason of labor duties”.
a) Rebuke for being late or for not completing the assignment on time. But such a penalty can be imposed no later than a month from the date of its discovery. In this case, vacation time or sick leave is not taken into account.
b) Demand an explanatory note from the late employee; if he refuses to write, draw up a collection order.
c) Familiarize the employee with the order and take a signature from him that he is familiar with the order.
Step 3
"Gross violation of labor obligations by an employee."
This point includes various absenteeism, the appearance of an employee drunk and even the disclosure of secrets: commercial, official - any.
Step 4
Whichever method you choose, remember that everything must be confirmed by an appropriate document.