In the Soviet Union, it was not customary to change jobs often - such people were reprimanded and called "flyers". Those who worked all their lives in one enterprise were considered role models. The special title "Veteran of Labor", which gives benefits, was awarded to those who did not change their place of work for 25 years. Now the situation on the labor market has changed dramatically, and such a person who has worked in one place for more than 10 years is already a rarity.

Step 1
Today's economic environment is characterized by dynamism, therefore the situation on the labor market is forced to change, when, in order to avoid stagnation, workers from time to time change employers in search of new, interesting jobs and tasks, career opportunities and higher wages.
Step 2
However, the stability inherent in some traditional sectors of the economy still remains. These include the public service, the resource-extracting industry. In companies operating in the oil and gas industry, the average work experience of personnel is 10-15 years, and this is explained not only by high earnings, but also by wide opportunities for professional and career growth, the availability of compensation and incentive programs, including the construction of housing and medical support. In the public sector, employee loyalty is also understandable - stability, career opportunities, high wages, increased retirement benefits and retirement benefits.
Step 3
But in such industries as the media and advertising business, the Internet, etc., a periodic change of team is strongly encouraged, especially since social networks and job search sites provide unlimited opportunities to find a new employer, literally without getting up. This allows managers to work simultaneously in several companies and even remotely.
Step 4
Those employees of recruiting agencies who are professionally looking for candidates note that for traditional sectors of the economy, frequent job changes - every year or a year and a half - is a disadvantage for the candidate. Such a resume, most likely, will not even be considered. This is due to the fact that just to get up to speed, a person needs at least six months, so it is economically very unprofitable to hire an employee who leaves shortly after training.
Step 5
But for such companies, an indicator of a candidate's suitability is not just seniority, but also career growth. If a person, working in one place, constantly promoted in position, this is a guarantee that he will be gladly hired for another job. But in this case, it is better to change it at least once every 10 years, so that the new employer does not have fears that, having got used to one corporate culture, the candidate will no longer be able to rebuild and quickly adapt to a new place.
Step 6
For those industries that are characterized by technological mobility, the best option, according to recruiters, is to change jobs at least once every 3-5 years. But even in these companies, candidates who change it too often are not welcomed - this is perceived as a sign of immaturity and inability to get along in a team.