People with a brilliant reputation, a good track record, and well-earned career advancements will never have the question of how to write an honest resume. But what to do when your reputation has suffered, your career somehow did not work out, and you had to quit your job? How to write an honest resume while hiding annoying mistakes and misunderstandings?

Based on the resume, the first and rather stable opinion about the person is formed. It is on the resume that the invitation for an interview or the refusal of a candidate for a position depends. Therefore, it is so important to write a resume that will highlight the advantages and neutralize the disadvantages of the applicant. So what can be hidden in a resume and what cannot be hidden?
Age. A certain number of people have problems due to the age restrictions of the proposed position. This applies, first of all, to students or specialists who have just graduated from a university and retirees. It is useless to indicate the appropriate age in the resume, since the forgery will be revealed at the very first interview. Try to send your resume with actual age, perhaps your experience and determined desire to work will outweigh this requirement, and you will be invited for an interview.
Marital status and children. It is also pointless to hide this paragraph of the resume - the passport will reveal everything when meeting with the employer. Problems with this section of the resume arise for young married women who can potentially go on maternity leave, as well as for women with small children who will often go on sick leave. But thanks to the experience and working age, this category of people is in demand among personnel officers.
Citizenship and Education. Everything is documented. In addition, you can check theoretical knowledge, offer a special test, see the practical skills of mastering certain programs. Lying and embellishing is useless here.
Labor biography. The work book will tell you about where you worked and for what reason you were fired. If there is no work book yet, and work experience is required for the desired position, you can indicate the place of passing industrial and pre-diploma practice. Be sure to highlight skills and accomplishments. If you have already managed to work and quit of your own free will - get ready for the question: "Why did you decide to leave this job?" Do not write the reason for dismissal in your resume in your own words, stick to the wording of the work book. You will be asked about it anyway, and you still have to explain.
Dismissal under an article of the Labor Code can play a decisive role in a career. Personnel do not like to understand why this happened. It is best to challenge the decision in court, and even more wonderful - not to bring it to this. Dismissal by agreement of the parties, redundancy or voluntarily - the wording with which you can find a worthy job. If the dismissal on the initiative of the employer takes place, look for an acquaintance job in order to cover the negative record and rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of a potential employer. Another option is to lose your work book and start from scratch. But then you have to lie to the employer and compose what you did.
Professional skills. When filling out this item, the resume should be based on the expectations of the employer and on the experience gained in previous jobs. If the skills are not enough, you can take special courses, for example, to study the programs "1C", "Adobe Photoshop", "Power Point".
Recommendations. This paragraph indicates the phones of previous employers. It is best to provide contact details for your immediate superior. As a rule, in case of doubts about your candidacy or the scrupulous work of personnel officers, these data are checked. If the employee left with dignity, he will be given an excellent recommendation, if with a conflict, the recommendation will be unflattering. But the very fact of filling out this item suggests that you have nothing to hide.
Personal qualities. It is best to note the qualities that the employer indicated, and which are suitable for this type of activity. For example, for a sales manager - communication skills, for an accountant - responsibility, for a marketer - creativity. If you want to get a leadership position, you can indicate purposefulness.
An honest resume will help you avoid unnecessary questions and misunderstandings during the interview. Just stick to the principle: highlight the positives and hide the weaknesses.