Everyone dreams of finding a good job, and often the words “good” and “international” are used synonymously in this regard. Why? It's simple: a higher salary, a good social package, strict adherence to labor laws and, finally, the possibility of transferring abroad under an employment contract. There is still an opinion that it is possible to get to such a place only by acquaintance, while finding a job in an international company is actually much easier.

There are several ways to find work in an international company. The first and most ineffective is to send a resume or fill out a questionnaire directly on the company's website. Most people do this, but the response rate is minimal. Most often, companies are looking for employees in this way for low-paid "work" positions such as sales assistant or sales representative. The fact is that most large companies do not have a recruitment department: existing HR managers are engaged in the development of existing employees, rather than looking for new ones. And to attract personnel, a third-party organization is hired - a recruiting agency. And they don't look for talent on the local company website at all.
How do you make it so that people know about you? The tip is universal: post your resume online. Currently, there are two good job search sites in Russia: Head Hunter and Super Job. Major agencies are looking at them. It is better to write a resume in Russian, but with the obligatory indication of the level of proficiency in a foreign language. Please also note that in addition to knowing the language, you will need a driver's license (regardless of position) and a willingness to move. In large companies, it is considered the norm to transfer an employee from one region to another, and you need to be prepared for this.
The third way is to fill out a questionnaire to be added to the database directly by the recruiting agency, this can be done on their website or in the office. Here it is worth making a small remark: a recruiting agency and a recruiting agency are two different things. The recruiting agency is looking for a job for you, which means you pay it. The recruiting agency is looking for an employee for the employer and in this case only the employer pays. Therefore, you should not be afraid of recruiting agencies. One of the largest recruiting agencies in Russia at the moment is Ankor.
The fourth way is to be visible. There is an international network of professional contacts Linked In, in which anyone can register. Your account in this case will be your resume. In this network, you can track news and vacancies of various companies, both in Russia and abroad.
Finally, if you are a student or a recent graduate, the prospect of an internship opens up in front of you. Almost all large international companies provide various internship programs - from summer for a couple of months to managerial for several years. Information about internships and terms (as a rule, recruitment is carried out at a certain time every year) can be found on the official websites of these companies or on the website for finding work for students Career.ru.
If the first point is completed, you are known, heard and invited for an interview, it's time to prepare for it. An interview for a large international company usually takes place in several stages:
1. Interview with a representative of a recruiting agency
2. Passing tests for the ability to work with mathematical and text information
3. Preliminary interview directly in the company (most often assessment)
4. Final interview at the company.
Good luck, believe in yourself and everything will work out!