The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a specialized oversight body that operates on the principles of transparency and independence. There is no special body for the supervision of the prosecutor's office, however, in the system of the prosecutor's office itself, vertical supervision is implemented, in which higher bodies and officials supervise the subordinate ones.

Any state body, including the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, carries out its activities in the interests of citizens. The system of the prosecutor's office was created to carry out oversight functions, and its employees exercise their own powers in various areas. If there are any questions or complaints about their activities, the problem inevitably arises of determining the body that supervises the prosecutor's office. It should be noted that an external system of such supervision simply does not exist, since this would contradict the principles of the prosecutor's office. However, the structure of the prosecution bodies presupposes that higher prosecutors and their officials have certain oversight powers in relation to the subordinate ones.
Supervisory powers of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
At the top of the system of supervision over the activities of the RF Prosecutor's Office is the RF Prosecutor General. He is accountable only to the President of the Russian Federation, and is appointed to his own office by the upper house of the Russian parliament on his recommendation. The exclusive authority of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is the appointment, dismissal of prosecutors at the regional, district and municipal levels. At the same time, prosecutors of the constituent entities of the country are accountable only to the General Prosecutor himself (at the same time they are considered his deputies), and district, city and specialized prosecutors are also accountable to higher prosecutors. As a result, a system of vertical supervision is being implemented, which is headed by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
Where to send complaints about the actions of the prosecutor?
If any citizen or organization believes that the actions of the district, city prosecutor, his assistant are illegal, violate their rights, then complaints should be filed with the higher authorities of the prosecutor's office. So, if illegal actions of a district or city prosecutor are discovered, a written complaint should be submitted to the name of the prosecutor of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as duplicated with the General Prosecutor's Office. Based on the results of the consideration of such an appeal, a check is carried out without fail, the applicant is informed of its results. If the information about illegal actions is confirmed, then the guilty prosecutor may be brought to disciplinary (up to dismissal) or other liability.