When applying for a job after a long break, you should not rely on search standards for continuous work experience. If you do not set yourself too high standards, your job search will be short-lived.

There can be many reasons for a long break in work: the lack of interesting and lucrative offers from employers, maternity leave, caring for a seriously ill relative, etc. Regardless of the reason, recruits are suspicious of such applicants and often believe that such employees have lost their professional skills.
What do you need to be prepared for when looking for a job?
The most common problem faced by applicants with a long break in work experience is a low assessment of their qualifications and labor potential. HR managers and employers mistrust such workers, believing that they have lost their knowledge and skills during a long vacation.
Finding a decent job can take a long time. If you urgently need money, you can get a job for a few months at the first available position and at the same time look for a better job. Employers prefer to hire specialists for high-paying jobs without interruptions in their work experience.
How to properly look for a job after a long break?
Despite all the problems, it is still possible to get a decent and promising job after a long break, if you follow several rules: do not demand too high a salary, indicate in your resume a significant interval of payment for your labor (for example, from 15 to 30 thousand rubles), send as many resumes daily as possible, demonstrate the retention of your professional abilities.
After a long break in work, you should not hope for a high salary, but you should not belittle your abilities either. Recruits advise such specialists in their resume not to indicate too high a salary. For example, you can indicate from $ 500 to $ 1.5 thousand, and already at the interview prove your worth and try to increase the level of your salary.
Set a goal for yourself to send as many resumes daily as possible, at least 10 if possible. When meeting with an employer at an interview, you need to prove that you have not lost your work potential and professionalism. Demonstrate the knowledge you gained during your break.
If you don't want to look for a job for a long time, you can take a low-paid position that will help you regain your professional skills. In this case, you can openly tell the employer everything and immediately agree to the salary offered to them.