You have received an idea of eliminating violations of the law from the prosecutor's office, and you absolutely do not know how to answer it. You must indicate in this submission why you committed the violations indicated in it, if they really take place, or answer that you do not see any violations. The law does not entail direct negative consequences for you in the second case.

It is necessary
Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"
Step 1
Read the prosecutor's presentation and check it for compliance with Article 24 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation". The prosecutor has no right to demand from you what is not specified in this article. Also check who signed the show. Only the prosecutor or the assistant prosecutor has the right to sign it; other employees of the prosecutor's office cannot sign it. If it is signed by the latter, then the submission has no legal force and you can leave it without consequences.
Step 2
If the submission is signed correctly, and the requirements in it correspond to the powers of the prosecutor, then you have two options. Option one: You are composing a response to a view. Usually, this is given about two weeks or a month, in some cases less. In it, you indicate why you committed violations of the law. Or you can answer that you did not commit violations and did everything on the basis of the law. The second option is not to respond to the prosecutor's submission.
Step 3
If the prosecutor was not satisfied with your answer, or you continue to commit violations, then most likely you will be summoned either to the prosecutor's office for a conversation with the assistant prosecutor, or directly to the court. In the first case, it's okay. It will be just a conversation: the prosecutor will ask questions about the essence of the violations, and you will answer. Don't worry, no conclusion, etc. you are not threatened.
Step 4
If a subpoena arrives, then get ready for the process according to the general rules. The only caveat is that the prosecutor will act as a plaintiff in court. Your best bet is to collect as much evidence as possible. Study carefully the legislation that you have broken. Prosecutors often strive for good statistics, and therefore sometimes "pull by the ears" of some articles or evidence.