To celebrate the day of a medical worker, a number of competitions can be held between the nurses of the polyclinic, and according to the results of the competition, the winner can be awarded the title "Nurse of the Year".

Step 1
Organize the "Kid up to a year" competition. To do this, prepare large dolls that look like real babies, such as Baby Born dolls, one for each nurse participating in the competition. Put on diapers, bodysuits, hats, swaddling dolls. The task of the competition is to quickly undress the doll, weigh it on children's scales, measure its height, chest and head circumference. All data about the toy baby must be recorded on a special card. After that, the participants in the competition must dress the baby and swaddle. The nurse who completes the task the fastest is declared the winner.
Step 2
Invite nurses to participate in the Vaccination competition. For the competition, prepare very large syringes such as 100 ml, brightly colored liquid and foam. It can be collapsed to make it look like a priests. The task of those participating in the speed competition is to open the syringe, put on the needle, draw liquid into it and inject it into the foam bottom.
Step 3
Run the Doctor Prescribed competition. Write in the most illegible handwriting (as doctors usually write) the names of medicines on the drawn letterhead. Collect a first aid kit with different medicines, among which there are those indicated on the comic prescription. The nurses' task is to disassemble the handwriting and get the necessary medicines from the first aid kit. The winner will be the one who chooses drugs faster than others and does not make mistakes.
Step 4
Organize a "Bandaging" competition, its purpose follows from the name - nurses must bandage a limb, such as a finger, as quickly as possible. You can complicate the task, and invite the nurses to use a medical wooden spatula when dressing. In order to win this competition, it is necessary not only to quickly complete the task, but also to demonstrate quality work.