Finding your first job right after graduation, and even without work experience, can be extremely difficult. And after several unsuccessful attempts, sometimes one gets the impression that this is generally impossible. But there is always a way out.

Step 1
Think about it ahead of time. It is clear that when they are just starting to study, it seems that there is a lot of time ahead, but it will quickly fly by and the question of finding a job will freeze before our eyes. Therefore, if you are studying for a reason, but with the goal of later working in this specialty, then try to get the maximum knowledge from your studies that will be useful to you in your work.
Step 2
Prove yourself. Responsible and diligent students have a chance to get a referral to practice in a good company, and, therefore, to gain additional experience and knowledge.
Step 3
Review the requirements. This is easy to do if, in the course of your studies, you look for ads about the search for specialists in your profession and purposefully call them in order to find out what additional requirements employers are making. You will be able to take them into account in the future and purchase exactly what is in demand.
Step 4
Treat practice like work. Firstly, it will allow you to gradually rebuild from study to work, secondly, it will be a good help in writing a diploma and, thirdly, your efforts and efforts will most likely be appreciated and offered to stay to work after completing the internship.
Step 5
Practice your professional qualities. While a college degree is thought to offer more opportunities than a secondary education, in fact, a good employer values personality. After all, it is not a fact that a person who graduated from the institute has more knowledge than the one who studied at the school. But the latter can be a competent, responsible, punctual and sociable person and, thanks to this, get a job that was not entrusted to a person with knowledge, but without qualities.
Step 6
Create a resume. You have to do it right to show that you are literate. In your resume, refrain from indicating the lack of work experience, because the internship is also an experience, albeit not a lot. In addition, having seen that there is no experience, the employer may no longer consider your candidacy, but if he likes you when he meets, then the lack of experience may fade into the background.
Step 7
Tell others that you are looking for a job. The more people know about it, the more chances you have. Don't forget to send your resume to as many companies as possible.