It is sometimes extremely difficult for yesterday's graduate to find a job. No matter what prestigious educational institution is graduated, no matter how well a graduate studies, employers for some reason are in no hurry to hire a promising, but young employee.

Step 1
When considering vacancies, assess yourself adequately. Of course, you want your work to be well paid. However, if in the proposed job you are attracted by everything except the salary, consider whether you might get a temporary job there. Already a year later, you will not be a graduate, but a young specialist with work experience, who will find it much easier to get a desired position with a solid salary.
Step 2
Learn to be noticed. Do not refuse offers to speak at the conference with a report, write a project for the district administration, create an article on the material of your thesis and send it to a scientific newspaper. A talented student will attract the attention of future employers.
Step 3
Start earning extra money in your specialty while still a student. Of course, you will have much less free time than your peers, but while your classmates start running around the city, spreading their resumes, you already have time to prove yourself well to the employer and calmly continue to work in your company full-time.
Step 4
Make a resume and send it to all the offices, whose activities are related to your specialty. This will not require much effort from you, but, perhaps, you will receive a couple of interesting job offers. Be sure to include your strengths on your resume. You have no experience, but there is more than enough enthusiasm.
Step 5
Find out if there are firms in your city that prefer to “grow” their own employees by recruiting green newcomers and teaching them the skills they need to work. Of course, in such organizations there is a lot of competition between university graduates, but if you are talented and confident in yourself, you will break through.
Step 6
Conduct a survey among parents, acquaintances, parents of acquaintances and acquaintances of parents. It is likely that some of them are in the same industry as you are planning to help you get started.